Kanafaska - Czech Republic (Moravia)

Formation is four couples in a square using ballroom position. Meter 2/4

Couples are numbered 1-4, starting with couple whose back is to the music and going counter-clockwise.

Measure Count Step
1 1-2 Couples 1 & 3 take 2 slide steps to start exchanging places with M passing each other back to back.
2 1-2 Couples 1 & 3 finish exchanging places.
3-4 Couples 2 & 4 exchange places in same fashion as couples 1 & 2 did. While they are doing this, couples 1 & 3 take four walking steps to make 1/2 a turn as a couple, going counterclockwise.
5-6 1-2 Couples 1 & 3 exchange places again, while couples 2 & 4 make the 1/2 turn.
7-8 Couples 2 & 4 exchange places again while couples 1 & 3 make the 1/2 turn.
Part II
9-15 All four couples do seven polka steps around the square.
16 M lifts W and sets her down again. (Alternatively, do an eighth polka step.
Part III
1 1-2 M 1 claps hands and does a polka step to W 2. At the same time, W 2 does a polka step in place.
2-7 M 1 and W 2 take shoulder-waist position and do six polka steps around the set.
8 1-2 M 1 lifts W 2 and sets her down next to her partner. (Alternatively, do an eighth polka step with M 1 leaving W 2 next to her partner).
9-16 M 1 repeats measures 1-8 with W 3.
17-24 M 1 repeats measures 1-8 with W 4.
25 1-2 M 1 claps hands and does a polka step to his own parnter. At the same time, W 1 does a polka step in place.
26-31 All four couples take shoulder-waist position and do 6 polka steps around the square.
32 1-2 M lift W and set them down in place. (Alternatively, do an eighth polka step). At end of this all couples should be in original positions.
Part III is now repeated three more times. In the first repetition, M 2 visits each W in turn, starting with W 3. Then M 3 visits each W in turn starting with W 4. Finally, M 4 visits each W in turn, starting with W 1.
Part IV Repeat Part I
Part V 1-8 Repeat Part II
9-16 All couples polka around the room. At the end the M lift the W and set them down.